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picture book Controller and Controlling



  "Controller and controlling"

About the book:

Controller and controlling are terms that have become used in everyday practice in recent years when talking about efficient techniques of leading and managing businesses in rapidly changing markets with associated growing risks. The "leadership philosophy of controlling" is presented in a simple, comprehensible way including the essential factors in their entirety. The field of knowledge is extended systematically and methodically and is adapted for the needs of economic practice.



The book is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 explains the function of controlling demands on the controller. Section 2 imparts knowledge of methodology, of practical work, of the process of controlling (strategic planning, operative planning, striking a balance of target and actual effect). Section 3 explains the required tools of a controller's work (preview, controller's report, special investigation). The final section consists of a practical example that once more explains the details in a general view.



The book was basically written for economic practice, that often needs simple, unstandable explanations of practicable basic economics. Moreover it is especially useful for students (university, other institutes) who want to achieve a realistic and complete impression of "leadership philosophy of controlling" characterized by high efficiency and simple usage.

Design by Form plus Raum  



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